Sell Your Property For Cash Fast ....

Any Property In Any Condition

Guaranteed Fast Sale For Cash

Approved Cash Buyers Waiting

Our Service Is 100% Free

House Buyers With 20 Years of Experience


Get An Immediate Cash
Offer For Your Property


80 Years of


24/7 Property Buyers is the trading name of Vertu Holdings Limited and one of the leading genuine cash home-buying companies around. The company is owned and managed by property professionals with over 80 years of combined experience in buying homes. Our reputation for dealing honestly and fairly with our customers, and for going out of our way to offer the very best price we can for every property is second to none.

How We Work

We know that the process of selling a home can be stressful, even more so when you are in need of a quick house sale. Our experienced team can be trusted to always be caring, helpful and transparent, aware that our customers are possibly in sensitive or difficult situations.

We are regulated by The Property Ombudsman, which means we have voluntarily agreed to follow a strict code of conduct in how we deal with customers. We are monitored as part of our membership and in case of any non-compliance with the ethical standard they set, we would be subject to disciplinary action.


Respect &


Our Vision is to provide a quick property sale solution for every customer who contacts us and to deliver it with excellence and caring attention to our customers' needs.

We are a family-run business and treat our customers and employees the way we would want to be treated – with respect, transparency, and an empathetic ear. We promise we will deliver to the best of our ability and make what is usually a stressful process, easier, faster and hassle-free.

What Our Clients Say

"Excellent, thank you for the quick and hassle-free sale at a point when time was of the essence."

Mr Smith - Birmingham

"They don’t buy at market value but they do buy quickly and fairly. The offer price was exactly what I was looking for"

Mrs Stansbie - London

"Moved to my new place in record timing after a bad experience with an estate agent. Thanks to the team at 24/7 Property Buyers."

Mr Bradbury - West Midlands

"I had some difficulties with my property but they resolved them brilliantly and kept me informed throughout the process. I cannot thank them enough!"

Miss Patel - Manchester